Under the title “Dealing with data issues for AI-supported Image Analysis in Cultural Heritage: concrete cases and challenges” Europeana Foundation carried out a workshop within the framework of the Saint George on a Bike project at the Futurs Fantastiques 2021 conference.
The 3rd conference about Artificial Intelligence in Libraries, Archives and Museums took place at the National Library of France (BnF) in Paris on December 9 & 10, 2021. Overall, the event aimed to delve into the different opportunities offered by AI in cultural institutions such as GLAMs and covered various topics such as models and best practices, examples of tools and ethical considerations regarding AI and its use.
During the workshop, José E. Cejudo from Europeana Foundation introduced several cases for applying AI in the context of Europeana, and which data issues arise from these cases. After the introduction, Antoine Isaac from Europeana Foundation presented the Saint George on a Bike project, its objectives, focuses and challenges, and he also explained how AI can help data curation. In his speech Isaac highlighted that the project started annotating manually but the first results were used to produce more annotations semi-automatically. According to him, the workshop was a "great opportunity to discuss a broad range of AI applications and the various data and evaluations that come with them".
Finally, the last talk was about data gathering and evaluation in image analysis projects where Jean-Philippe Moreux from the National Library of France (BnF) introduced different use cases.
The second part of the workshop was based on a live survey for all attendees where they could all share about whether they have trained their own data models, whether they have evaluated the results, whether they have used other LAM's data for training, etc., and it was followed by a long session of questions with the audience, during which the importance of continuing such discussions in the community (and the eagerness of many in the audience to participate in these discussions) were confirmed.
Check the presentations, notes and the results of the survey